I came back home pretty late with a craving for risotto. I fixed my favorite one: a leeks risotto with cherry tomatoes roasted in balsamic vinegar.
Thank you all so much for your sweet comments!! They really mean a lot to me!
To reply to your questions: the menu of our Sunday Brunch was composed of raw vegetables salad (the Israeli way to cut vegetables in tiny cubes completely changes the taste of it), eggplant salad, houmous, tarama, fish mousse, smoked salmon.
Hello, I'm Daniela from Italy, I really love your pictures!I have been many times to Israel and I speak a little hebrew, I love this country and I wish to retur there soon!Je parle aussi francais! :-)
Vien lire mon blog, j'ai écrit un post sur mon voyage en Israel de cet été avec beaucoup de photos! :-)
(je m'éxcuse mais j'écrit seulement en italien sur mon blog..)
Hi Elisabelle, you have a beautiful blog....
hey is tarama anything like taramosalata? and if so, have you got the recipe?... :)
oops. taramousalata...
Belle orchidée !
Et le risotto.... well... MIAM.
Et pour le franglais, oui, il n'est pas rare que je commence mes phrases dans une langue et que je les finisse dans l'autre. The bf doesn't mind. En fait, il fait la même chose ;-)
The tomatoes look delicious! I see you're a great cook;)
Your photography is just...lovely.
I'm with Jane, do you make your own taramosalata? How? I tried once, I got the cod roe, oil, lemon, mixed it and I got an horrible lump of something gooey. Not at all the delicious creamy dip I remembered! I like your idea of roasting tomatoes in balsamic vinegar, I'll keep that in mind!
The risotto sounds delicious, but so does the Sunday Brunch!
(Hi, I'm Jodi. I was just surfing some blogs and came upon yours. It's lovely.)
oh i love love risotto....and that orchid is gorgeous!
Risotto is the best. Your version sounds delicious.
Houmous, yum!
This looks so great.
Mmmm ! Il a l'air si bon, ce petit risotto !
youh, je veux la recette ! Alby avant-hier m'a appris à cuisiner le risotto aux asperges! Je te dis pas comme c'est bon...!
How earthy and natural are these pictures, the shadowing in these pictures is great.
tu me donnes faim!
mmm ! dis-moi, tu prends les commandes?
looks and sounds delicious!
yum yum yum!
Cherry tomatoes and balsamic vinegar, that's all I need to know :^)
...my mouth is watering and it's only 8am.
Rizott is one of my favorite dishes! All the photos on your blog are beautiful.. so delicate.
Wish you a very Happy 2010!
miam again!
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