I feel a bit sleepy, but that's ok because in a few hours: it's the weekend!
Pretty packed... I have this urge to move the whole house: change the place of all the furniture and we have 2 diners and a brunch planned at home...
We'll see what I can get done!
I'll need some energy anyway: so what about this to help?
Don't you love listening to the oldies you were listening to when you were a kid? Or maybe, is it just me because I recently got older or because my son is listening to stuff I loved as a teenager like Sting and The Police, especially this one which feels great and weird (he is growing up so quickly).
these yellows are beautiful.
enjoy your busy weekend!
Waouhhh it's electrifying!!! Et en même temps, si un gars me draguait en remuant des fesses comme il le fait au début, je ne suis pas sûre de ne pas rigoler...
Tu as un week-end chargé dis moi ?!!!
Quant à Grease...c'est plutôt drôle avec le recul !!! Hauts les coeurs...
Grease... je ne suis pas certaine. Mais Police et Sting, alors là oui! Gros bisous et joyeuse fin de semaine.
thank u a thousand times. great taste in music!
Beautiful dusk light in these photos. Autumn is so perfect for that... you captured the magic.
Happy weekend Elisabelle xo
oh Grease, génial! Moi, je me sens un peu oldie ce soir parce que j'ai fait des scoubidous avec Martine et que ça fait 30 ans que je n'en avais pas fait!!!! Bon week-end!
Grease is still a fav and of course I know all the words to all the songs !!!
Sounds like a fully loaded weekend ahead for you. Enjoy.
I have that same feeling of wanting to change things around and move furniture - we'll see if I have the energy to do something about it :-)
have a lovely weekend!
The shoe laces contrast beautifully with leaves.
Old songs remind of old times, and old times remind of old memories, and old memories are well, beautiful moments.
Ooh Grease and the police! I must have watched Grease like 5 times or more :) Love the lighting here.
Ce genre de chanson, c'est intemporel!
que de souvenirs ! mais ça ne nous rajeunit pas tout ça... ni ces artiites.
Oh definitely! I'm only now just starting to dig up more of my 'old' music. One of my favourite movies/soundtracks is "Stand By Me"...I've just introduced my daughter to the "Lollipop" song (..pop!). Love the soft light and freshness of the leaves in this post.
Beautiful as always.
Je vous souhaite un tres bon weekend. Emma :-)
Ah... je vois que nous avons les mêmes "références" de quand nous étions... euh... disons un tout petit peu plus jeunes ! Ces musiques un brin oldies me filent toujours une énergie folle.
Oldies are awesome! I like the Hairspray songs, they pick me up when I'm down, especially You can't stop the beat. Sending some energy your way! http://www.songarea.com/music-codes/hairspray.html
Yes! The classic older music is the best from childhood. That top photo is so stunning. It's a beautiful moment to have captured. I hope you were able to get everything done!
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