That's what is inside my bag:
Ipod, Iphone, oversized wallet, sunglasses (kind of silly because I live in Paris and it is always gray), at least one camera (more often 2 and sometimes 3), my make up kit, my son’s and my passeport, film rolls, some jewelery (this one is my owl bangle), a book which I never have time to read. Sandra Juto’s wrist worms and tissues.
If you want to play along or to see other bags: go to Dos Family.
C'est bien plus drôle de voir le sac des autres que le sien....
Mais il doit être grand ton sac, non ?
(ohlala t'as des mitaines de Sandra Juto... !:)
you've read my mind...
I've been doing some "inside my bag" shots, but not quite happy yet...
waiting for the film ones!
You inspired to grab my bag and my camera and five minutes later I'd played along too.
Mais parfois à Paris on met de grosses lunettes de soleil juste pour imaginer qu'il y a du soleil :)
Does it ever rain where you are? I always must have an umbrella in my bag.
I have an umbrella when it's not raining and don't have one when it's raining like today....
Now I now what my wrist warmers should look like when I try to make them!
Quelle bonne idée! J'adore!
Such great things in your bag. Such fun to see the little story it tells.
J'adore! Je vais essayer...
this looks like fun, maybe I will do it, but my bag is a bit embarrassing…...
je vais poster, mais, oula... la honte!
I played along too (and I normally don't)... listening to some cool musique right now, jeune dame. merci! :)
You are so clean and precise! You should see the mess in my purse ;^)
Such a fun photo and list!
très joli portefeuille :)
this is a funny idea. love your owl bangle :)
De quoi etre prete a decouvrir le monde a tout moment...
Ta musique tourne en boucle
Thank you so much...
Et bon voyage ...quotidien
Emma from SF
ps ; y apas de miettes ou de trucs qui trainent dqns ton sac ??? moi tout le temps!!!
Love this idea! I'll definitely be playing along with the next one. Only, I'll have to remove the spare nappies.
I spy a pretty bangle...
intriguing to see! i always used to carry a book i didn't read too...
Great idea. I search also times out the inside of my bag.
ah moi aussi je veux jouer à ce p'tit jeu!
i love these kind of shots. i like your owl bangle : )
je savais pas quels wrist worms tu avais finalement choisis... ;-)
un petit tour dans le sac d'une fille de lisbonne... c’est par ici!
j'adore ce jeu. ton sac te ressemble ;-)
éternelle optimiste.
God, Clarice Lispector! She's one of my favourite writers. You should start reading this book, it's absolutely fantastic. By the way, your purse is full of preciousness.
now i feel i must see your bag! i have been trying to find something that could comfortably fit more than just my 35mm Holga, but no luck so far. i always carry my bag plus my K1000 over my shoulder and it's all a bit cumbersome, and like you, i often have 3-4 cameras with me.
you seem so neat and organized...!
You need a big bag like me.
this got me curious: do you always keep your passports with you?
k xxx
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