Most of winter, his eyes were green and gray.
I thought their colors had definitely changed. With the first real sunshine, the blue came back.
When I took this photo, he had waken up for 5 minutes and was having his breakfast (love this crumb at the corner of his mouth).
I think the weekend mornings are my favorite times ever: we take time, chat and cuddle.
I still can't believe how lucky I am to be the mother of this little man.
There is a new post @ words to shoot by.
motherhood is bliss...nothing like it! he is a gorgeous boy
Il a les même yeux qu'avait mon grand père, qui changent en fonction de la saison, de la lumière, du bleu, du vert, du gris. Ces yeux là je les aime bcp. Et ta photo déborde d'amour.
Keep going !
C'est un très beau portrait de ton fils! Magnifiques ses yeux!
I can imagine. And he is lucky to have a mom this proud of him. And he has gorgeous eyes!
En découvrant cette photo, j'ai d'abord pensé "ooh quel beau portrait" puis j'ai plongé dans les yeux de ton fils et avant même d'avoir vu ton titre, j'ai pensé.."les yeux !"
Il est beau S. et on sent une vrai complicité dans le regard que vous portez chacun sur l'autre.
what a perfect portrait - the pale blue in his eyes is reflected in his shirt and the background. wonderful.
le beau gosse... :) Magnifique photo!
THIS IS SO SWEET it's a wonderful picture of your gorgeous little boy, and your words made me emotional maybe because I think about my little man ...:-)
il est si si si beau!...
my daughter's eyes change like this, too : )
What a sweet entry and those eyes are stunning!
His eyes are lovely :)
What a great picture! My sister also has eyes that definitely change color. Sometimes they're green, sometimes brown, and sometimes a little blue. I only noticed this a few years ago, I have no memories of her eyes being different colors when we were children! :)
comment ne pas craquer ?...
Ah, I love your photos. So dreamy. What's your favourite 35mm film?
this boy needs an agent :O) he is a stunning young man!
He is so cute!
il est sweet! ^^ very beautiful portrait
Awesome eyes.
Un très beau portrait (même si le modèle fait plus que t'aider). Tu peux être fière !!!
Il est beau, ce jeune parrain.
A very handsome young man!
C'est beau et tendre!
Sublime petit homme...
Bisous ma douce.
Marie C.
des yeux a tout oublier...
bises de moi a toi
Emma from SF
such a sweet portrait!
j'adore ce post...tellement beau...i feel the same with my son...xoxo
and I must say I thank the heavens every time when I think of the fact that I was (and hope to keep always being), somehow, a part of this boy's life.... (and him being part of mine)
it's AMAZING to thing how much I can feel for this little guy, that, 4 years ago, was just some kid I was supposed to pick up after school...
we REALLY never know when that little something will be a life changer...
Beautiful boy!
Ah! what a sweet boy.
His eyes are gorgeous!
And yes, weekend mornings are the best ~
A very sweet picture from his mother :)
A very sweet picture from his mother :)
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