Sunday, July 24, 2011


The dagons


et lille oejeblik - a little moment said...

hi lovely, beautiful photos - so you must have found some inspiration in spite of the rain. it's raining here in copenhagen too, but to me it's a change from the heat in israel and - for now - it's ok. have a lovely week.

tinajo said...

Love the pics - and the plate in the first one is lovely! :-)

alexandria said...

Beautiful shots and I really love the wee bokeh in the tree shot.

Howie said...

mmmm. sardines with bread? something i'd like =)

Anonymous said...

Je crois en effet que sur Paris, il faut délaisser les extérieurs :)
Après ces photos, une pause repas s'impose!

between 7 and 9 said...

Lovely randomness.

la ninja said...


Kenza said...

J'ai mis un peu de lumière sur mon blog, je pensais à toi. Mille bises!

nadine paduart said...

your randoms are always hefty.

Anonymous said...

c'est extra
c'est Léo qui le dit