This is our Sunday night dinner en tête à tête. I like variety, does it show?
We have a lot of leftovers of course... Anyone is interested?
Two years ago, a friend gave me this album. It has been created by one of fonders of Gotan Project!!! My favorite piece is dancing queen:) How cool is it to call a band Solal? The most beautiful name ever, en toute objectivité bien sûr!
Ohlalalalala le festin !!!!!!
Miam Miam !
PS : c'est quoi le plat à gauche ? de la patate douce ?
My kind of dinner, it looks delicious.
looks fantastic! and i love the lillies on your table :)
oh wow, looks SO GOOD!! I'm totally interested in the leftovers:) I'm curious of what's in the left corner? carrots and..?
the first picture is lovely too, and BIG! nice.
thank you so much for your sweet comments.
On the left, there are roasted sweet potatoes orange and white:)
Mmmm, je me serais bien invité chez toi hier soir !!! Très appétissant tout ces mets ! Tu fais ça tous les dimanches soirs ?!!!
It looks great, and I like variety too. So why do I always make just the one dish?!?
comme cela à l'air bon! Oui Solal un très beau nom... en toute objectivité bien sûr! Gros bisou.
Wow, what a feast! And leftovers are often my favorite part of a meal, too bad I can't help you finish them!
Oh, send something to the Arctic! I like Ane Brun too, she's great.
Oh my goodness, that table looks delicious!!
ca a l'air super bon tout ca!
ohhhh! all looks fantastic!! i love leftovers!
This is perfect. The melons. The bread...OH THE BREAD! I would move to France just for the bread.
oh oui moi je veux bien ... il y a tout ce que j'aime
wow i LOVE these. everything looks delicious... and im very fond of your page header
Please just go ahead and ship those leftover right on over... Thanks.
A fine meal! The first image is lovely.
yup, i'm in - it looks so so good :)
Yum yum!! Looks soooo good!
Leftovers of this feast?! I would have eaten it all!
tout à fait mon genre !
je m'inviterais bien !
et puis la table façon mezze avec plein de choses à picorer c'est ce qu'il y a de mieux :)
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