I picked up the last roll this morning: here are a few photos. Some are completely crazy, some just weird double exposure... I think I like the first and the last ones.
Diana mini and I needed a break anyway, so she went on vacations to Mary Poppin's place (yep, she baby sits cameras too;))
I have been on ebay a lot lately, tried to get a Praktika MTL3, a Rolleiflex, a Yashica. I lost all these auctions, but the good news is (roulement de tambour) that I got a Pentax K1000 with 3 lenses and should receive it by the end of the week! Yay!!!!!
Can't wait :)
PS: Thanks for all the comments! The tea is instant cinnamon Turkish tea (present of MP, as well as the tea cup, the saucer and the bowl!!)
Listen to a French song!
i love the black &white one and the last one with the light leak.. :) Can't wait to see photos from your Pentax :) I used to have that camera awhile ago..sadly, the shutter broke :(
Diana toute une aventure, je n'ai jamais touché à cet appareil, bravo pour les images et l'esprit d'expérimentation!!
These photo series is wonderful. The fuzzy effect is some kind of mysterious and the colours are so beautifully retro! Reminds me of old Super8-films!
i like the last three! the colour is wonderful! good to know you're getting a new pentax, i love mine.
I est gai ce billet! les photos, tes mots. cela me fait bien plaisir! Bisous!
oh cette première image est folle!
Crazy photos but wonderful, thanks Isabelle.
That's how I remember my vacations often, in a pleasant blur.
I love the crazy photos!
I like the antique look of 10, 11, and 12. (Not to mention those luxuriant flowers, rioting madly around the tidy, geometric patterns of the firewood.)
And thanks, as always, for your lovely, caring thoughts. People like you bring light to my days...
the yellow spot on the top one, the composition of the umbrella one, the light leak on the last one......oh my!!
Well done on the Pentax -such a shame you couldn't get a Yashica :)
oh and I saw zaza fournier last year in concert, she was very, very good!
J'aime bien ce côté vieillot, comme les clichés de mes parents... Belles surprises !!!
Weee, these are so great!!
congrats on the new camera! can't wait to see the pictures you will take with that pentax.
my favourite of the above are the first three shots: magic!
Je n'ai pas de Diana mini, mais un Kodak 110, mon premier appareil photo, j'avais 8 ans, sauf que je ne trouve plus de pellicule...
These are so lovely!!
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