I had one color photo left in my polaroid camera, and then I tried again the silvershade films of the impossible project. I don't get these films at all.... Most of the time the photos are overexposed (I increased the contrast on some of these and threw away the others). Leila takes wonderful photos with the same films. What I am doing wrong?
Solal wanted to go the Louvre today: we spent two hours in the Egyptian antiquities department. He had a blast. Tomorrow, he wants to go Disneyland:) Le grand écart: that's one of the things I love about him. He can spend hours reading but loves video games. He listens to David Bowie, The Beatles, Mozart and loves Michael Jackson songs too. He is very much a 8 year old kid and has a consuming wonderful curiosity about arts, music, plays (he saw "midsummer night dream" 2 years ago and loved it so much, he decided he wanted to be an actor).
I am, en toute objectivité bien sûr, so crazy about him. Can you tell?
I will repeat myself ... your photos are so beautiful...
Très belles ces images! Ton fils me fait penser à mon neveu qui veut être acteur aussi:)
oh these are great. so moody and atmospheric!
je suis jalouse :)..... c'est beau...... une bise.......
So nice. They all have a charming nostalgic flair to them.
moody, mysterious, wonderful
i think :)
That's the best kind of childhood, the time spent nurturing curiosity and trying out and learning about different things. In that sense, I wish I was still a child:)
Tu es super sur la photo!
Solal est un petit ange tout intelo et tout heureux! La super combinaison!
Grosses bises à vous deux!
(PS: merci pour tes récents commentaires. Je suis honorée que tu aimes les photos...)
these are simply gorgeous..
Moi j'aime beaucoup la 2e photo du Louvre fantome, on se croirait presque au début du siecle!
C'est génial d'avoir un enfant curieux... et de nourrir cette curiosité !!! Tu sais cela ne se perd pas en grandissant : )
really beautiful photos! makes me long for a polaroid camera.
You look beautiful, and sad, in your portrait. And of course you're crazy about your son! I'm the same way about my daughter : )
Ton portrait est isssu d'un film expressionniste, impressionnant...
J'aime beaucoup la lampe...
OH ! Check my blog !-))
Oh, j'aime beaucoup ces photos.
I have the same problem with the Impossible Film! I try to remember that they're still a work in progress but it's still frustrating especially because of the prices.
i do think they still have to weed out some problems with the new pola films at the impossible project - but without knowing that, i would think your polaroids are some secret, undiscovered photographs by atget, or even something earlier from the 1850s. don't be disappointed - these are seriously cool!
p.s.: i think they would look extremely beautiful framed and mounted with a passepartout.
i missed this post! I had the same problem with the First Flush series of my PX600 film, i have two packs,and have yet to use the other.. will post any that turn out decent. :)
Good post and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you on your information.
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