Fall shots on film.
The next few days will be digital.
Tomorrow, we are celebrating Mel and Seb birthdays at home. I'll cook, shoot and drink;)
Next week, I will be taking photos of a very handsome couple for their wedding announcement.
I am still amazed when anyone likes my photos and all the more when I am asked to take photos for an important occasion. I really hope I will be up to it, but above all,I am so exited about all these opportunities to practice and become a better photographer.
The count down begins: 3 weeks before we take off:)
Je ne me lasse pas... :)
I LOVE THE SONG. Je ne connaissais pas, c'est doux, j'adore. Tx
Oh! que c'est beau. Un peu triste, un joyeux... comme la vie. Joyeux Octobre!
Merci ! J'ai hâte ! (de te rencontrer... et aussi de retrouver le canadien, bien sûr ;))
pretty fall leaves!!
I could really feel/smell fall in the first photo. The sounds of leaves rustling under foot.
These are the most beautiful leaves I've seen captured.
Cook, shoot and drink: :):):)
You capture something simple and special in your photos, I'm not surprised you get asked to be the photographer!
No music for me today, this video is blocked in my country. Happy weekend, Elisabelle!
You are so much more than an amateur photographer, Elisabelle.
You cook, you design images, you write in two languages - at least. You deal with adversity daily. You are amazing.
these are wonderful!
and they really, really make me miss autumn! (like it is in finland, that is. here it is still nearly 30'C daily..)
what a beautiful tribute to autumn!!!
i loooove it!!!
greetings from Spain
oh beautiful series! i definitely need to shoot more film.
Lovely shots!! And lucky are the couple that you are going to take photos of them!!
all of these are wonderful. you ARE very talented and have a great eye for beautiful details. i can understand why people would want you to take photos for them
BEAUTIFUL set. I love autumn. :) you are so talented.
wedding photos are best! (the same goes with engagements). it's such a wonderful honour to be a loved one's wedding photographer. good luck with it!
Tu n'as pas à t'inquiéter, ni à être surprise... tu es largement à la hauteur !!! bon dommage que je me sois déjà mariée,sinon...
Bises et Bon dimanche !!!
that's the autumn i dream about, thank you. wet earth, falling leaves, saturated colours.
perfect photos for my sunday spent working at home (self pity :) ).
Tes photos sont vraiment magnifiques! Une belle découverte pour moi ce soir.
moi ça ne m'étonne pas...
je sais c'est un peu facile, mais tu sais combien j'admire ton regard et aime tes photos.
Tu réussis à me donner envie d'automne....
Et ce petit ♥... il fait battre le mien... :)
Beautiful colours of Autumn! I'm so ready for the change in the leaf colours here.
those are sooo beautiful...i love the mood of autumn in them..thank you
Beautiful series... I love Autumn so much!
Elle est belle ta nature... Belle semaine !
j'aime bcp la première !
Oh Elisabelle, these are indeed beautiful! So Autumnal, and I love that they are on film.
Congratulations and good luck with the wedding photography!
these are gloomy and perfect. They make me want to get cozy, so lovely
woow, I love the song! Great voice..
The photos are gorgeous! I love yellow leaves..
It's getting colder here and leaves start to change..
the softness and textures of autumn are so beautifully captured here on film!
Bravo! Avec le talent que tu as tout ça ne m'étonne pas:)
évidemment que tout le monde aime tes photos et admire ton talent à sublimer ce/ceux qui t'entourent, à saisir le beau, la poésie...
cheers ! j'espère que tu as bien profité de cette festive semaine
Ton automne est superbe !
Un vrai bonheur de tomber sur ce petit coeur non?
oh such a beautiful photos !
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