When the sun finally came out, we made the most of it. I shot some film too that I will share when we will be back. Right now, we are in Vegas. We will fly over the Grand Canyon with an helicopter today. I can't believe I am going to do that, I am so afraid of heights...
sounds like incredible fun! enjoy your trips and views! great san francisco pictures!!!
you are in my town today! enjoy the beautiful weather!!
I love your SF shots so much! Especially the one of the golden gate...Excellent :)
Have fun!! Let me know if you need Vegas recommendations, I have lots
Wawwwwwwwwwwwww ! Hâte d'avoir le compte rendu d'hélico. Tes photos sont fantastiques !
Aahh. That sounds like fun and kind of scary. Be safe and have a great time. Your pictures will be incredible!
Oh, these makes my heart ache just a tiny little bit!!
You did make the most of the sunshine!
Enjoy those moments....and photos is to be imprisioned in an american film, love them.
oh!...waouw! et tu vas voir janis?
la dernière est géniale !
wow - all of these photos are amazing! I'd love to fly over Grand Canyon in a helicopter - I can imagine the views must be spectacular. I hope that you'll be able to enjoy it!
Beautiful San Francisco! One city I would love to go, some say it looks like Lisbon, I have to check that;) Enjoy, beijinhos
yeah, i live in las vegas :)
hope you have a blast in our city, enjoy!
next time, let me know if you want a list of recommendations from a local.
I will need some when I go to Paris next year! ;)
those are great! I like the first one a lot
haaaa les très belles photos qui me rendent nostalgiques!!
le grand canyon en hélicopter, je le faisais il y a tout pile un an. une des choses les plus impressionnantes que j'ai jamais vu.
beau séjour à vous!
Wow, glad you're having such great fun!!
C'est beau!
Vive la hauteur.
Comme tu m'as manquée!
Gros bisous à tous.
Beautiful shots of SF!
i'd so like to go one day...
love the chinese lanterns!
J'ai trouvé ça ailleurs...
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