I can't help sharing other pictures of our trip. Hopefully, there will be some more to come once the films will be developed. Something went wrong with my camera, I don't know what exactly.
Did I mention how much I loved our hotel in SF. Unexpectedly, we had a suite. The decoration was so rococo with a jacuzzi bath in the bedroom.
We are so jet lagged right now. Solal hasn't been able to sleep until 6:00 AM and is still sleeping at almost noon.
I have been listening all morning to Marion's tradition dominicale.
Wonderful photos here and it's lovely to hear you are at your new destination, however jet lagged. Keep discovering new places.
Quel beau petit homme. Elle est hallucinante cette photo!!!!
Those bokehs are so unexpected and perfect! Good luck with the jetlag!
bon courage avec le jet lag!
et je suis allée jeter un coup d'oeil à ton compte flickr - bravo pour les jolies photos qui continuent de me faire tant aimer la côte ouest!
Joyeux retour ma belle! Il est si beau Solal... Bisous à tous! Je pense à toi.
Lovely photos. And take a look at my blog...I think you have won something
Oh t'es chou ! Il est pas parfait ce morceau ?
J'adore tes photos... Oui, je sais, je me répète...
lovely photographs!
cela faisiat un moment que je n'etais pas venue par la...ma faute ..souvent je passe te ne prends pas le temps de laisser un mot...
Aisni donc tu es venue dans MA ville..j'aurrai tant aime te rencontre et t'en faire decouvrir des petits bouts...
Grrrr je rage devant ce post!!
Contente que cela vous ait plu ;-)
Emma from San Francisco
wonderful last picture!
so LA it was.
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