I labeled, a while ago, on my blog, "bliss" every post in which there was a photo of Solal.
I thought I did not want to be a mother, but when I met David I knew instantly that someday I would want a child with him .
Seven years passed by and we gave birth to our son.
One week later, David started to be seriously sick. A very aggressive MS has been, and still is, putting us through pretty dark times.
Solal gave me a strength I did not know I had.
Every minute I spend with him is just pure BLISS.
I'm so glad you have your pure bliss to shine in your dark times, Elisabelle.
I didn't know your story, thank you for sharing. A warm hug to your family.
What an absolute love. He's beautiful and adorable. You look so happy. I love this photo.
Solal, a comfort and bright star in your life. Such a wonderful gift... Big hugs to you always, xoxo
Love this mother and son photo - a treasure.
that's great. there's nothing on earth like a mom's love for her child. you look absolutely blissful in this photo :)
The photo's are sweet :-) MS is terrible, i hope that after the dark times some sun will come.
Je suis de ce côté avec des larmes aux yeux...très beau billet, vraiment! je vous embrasse
vous êtes beaux tous les 2 ... belle journée à vous
That is. No words can be found to say all one would like to say in this moment. I didn´t know about your story, but it really touched me. Why? I don´t know exactly. Maybe because there are too many feelings boiling inside me, and sometimes tears apear easily...
Your smile in that photos is so real, and so hard.
Vous êtes beaux !!
J'en ai la gorge toute nouée... je pense à toi et vois embrasse tous. Merci pour ce post si inspirant, si plein de vie!
Ah l'amour maternel...Tu sais quoi j'ai retrouvé un enregistrement de moi ds une émission radio quand j'avais 10 ans, on l'a ré-écouté avec ma mère.
A l'écoute de ma voix d'enfant, ma mère m'a sauté dans les bras en criant "mon bébé!" et a pleuré dans mon cou.
Je me dis "Oui ,être mère doit être hallucinant..."
Je te ferai écouter...Bon ça dure une minute Hein...
Je .... suis sans voix. Touchée. Vous êtes si beaux, tellement de hauts et des bas très sombres dans ton texte, dans votre vie. Je pense souvent à vous. Solal doit être doté de pouvoirs magiques.
hugs & kisses
OMG... 2 de mes amies ont cette maladie aussi... saloperie!
Ton post est vraiment touchant - vous êtes si beaux tous les 2!
Ton post est magnifique... vraiment !
i often wonder why intense happiness and sadness are so intertwined. perhaps we'll never know and the best we can do is to live both. i don't know.
it's so beautiful to see the love and joy shining through whenever you speak of solal.
Tout simplement !!! J'aime beaucoup cette photo, on y lit le bonheur !
ps : je connais le mélange "thé des amants" et l'aime beaucoup aussi !
Thank you so much for sharing your story. It was so brave in its simplicity. I completely understand how you feel, only for me it is my daughter (and my husband) who brings me bliss in the midst of my illness. I'm sure that you and Solal are bliss and strength for your husband. May you know light and life (and bliss) today...
Thanks for sharing your big BLISS!
He is really a amazing boy!! Thanks for your vulnerability..
Wishing you joy and life together!
these shots exude bliss. sending you a big hug dear elisabelle.
I didn't know that about David and I will keep him in my prayers. Hugs and blessings to you and your family.
j'ai choisi d'être plus légère
parce que c'est ainsi que je l'ai voulu pour mon blog
mais étant une maman avec cicatrices, je comprends et je ressens tout à fait tes mots.
et je suis touchée par ton illustration en duo
ps : I so agree with Hannah !
désolée pour le malentendu je viens de répondre à ton com... au contraire c'est à moi que je faisais un reproche !!
you and Solal... that is real bliss!
sending you a big hug my dear!
Vous êtes beaux et magnifiques....
Your words and photos are full of intense emotion.
what a beautiful child with a great name.
My mother has also MS, so i know how dark and difficult it can be.
When she was diagnosed they told her she would just have a few years to live. Many, many years later: she is a mom of two and grandmother of three, so there are little lights in the dark that keep her up.
I wish you, and your husband and littleone all the strenght and lots of light in the dark.
Wish you and your family the best.
How good that you can see and feel the bliss you have despite the sickness of your husband.
May he be as well as possible.
Wow he is such a cutie..A real ray of light in your life! You are lucky to have them :)
Oh what a beautiful photo ... I'm so sorry to hear about your husband. All the best to you and your family.
Thank you for sharing this Elisabelle, and what a great boy!
Oui quel moment de tendresse !
Enjoy your moments of bliss. Wishing your husband all the very best and strenth to you all.
I did not know this about David - I am so sorry to hear it. I'm so glad you have Solal to bring you both many moments of bliss!
This is such a sweet post and your son is adorable! I'm glad he brings you comfort in difficult times.
Stay strong Elisabelle, may the sun shine through your dark moments. I'm sorry to hear about David, I wish all of you the best. Thank you for sharing your bliss.
I am so sorry to hear this, beautiful Elisabelle. I am glad to hear Solal is your bliss and your strength. Hugs to all three of you. And best wishes.
You look so happy and very beautiful. Much love and strength to you and your family!
Thank you for your kind comment on Kenza's Suvi Ainoa post. Lovely to discover your blog, I am touched and can so relate to this post you have. I didn't know how I would be a mother before, now with my first son and another baby on its way, I realize I have changed so much, stronger, more compassionate and so much more. They are true bliss! Have a wonderful weekend. Yanyan
I had no idea your husband has MS. I know quite a bit about MS. There is a treatment center in New York that is led by a woman who had aggresive MS diagnosed, I believe in her early 30's, and she was told to stay in bed, basically. She now has few symptoms and began this clinic based around her treatment plan. It might be worth looking into.
Also, lef.org is my health bible. I have had three surgeries and health problems and they led me back to good health.
Your son is gorgeous and gorgeously loved, obviously.
You are a very strong woman and it's very clear as you've shared more of your life here. Beautiful photographs!
This really touched me. I'm so sorry but also so happy for you--such extremes, all of love, here. You two look beautiful.
Thank you for this post and the beautiful picture of you and your sun.
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