These were taken on our way back from the Alps.
So.... I have the plane tickets!
First, let me tell you that I work for the best company ever and for the very best boss.
I was meant to work a few days in our LA offices for a while, but never been able to make it for family reasons. I was obviously a bit sad and disappointed about it: it was very interesting professionally, I have never been on the west coast of the USA and one of my very dear friend lives there.
Well, they figure out a way for me to go and they arranged everything. I will leave during school holidays and will bring Solal along with me.
Basically, at the end of October, I will land with my son in San Francisco for a week of vacation, than head to LA to spend the weekend with my friend before starting to work.
This is so exiting. I just can't wait!!!
This is where I need you now;) Any tips, recommendations???
beautiful sunsets! these are great!
you will love California :) endless miles of beautiful coasts...I love just driving Pacific Coast Hwy. and enjoy the view. :)Exciting news! I also love SF, have you seen all my SF pics? I have tons.
this is so exciting - hooray!
sadly i don't have any tips at all, as i've never been, but am looking forward to your photos and stories already!
!!!! So exciting! Let me know when you plan on being in SF and we can meet if you want and have time - also to make sure I am in town then too. I would LOVE to show you around SF! :^) !!!
you're going to my home town of LA! that's very exciting. the drive down the california coast from san francisco to Los Angeles is gorgeous! you'll have to check out the crazies in hollywood. I'd also recommend going to olvera street just a few blocks away from downtown, in front of union metro station. It's the oldest street in the city and looks like a mini mexico with great food and tons of fun little shops. If you'd like anymore suggestions or have questions about anything please let me know. HAVE FUN
Wonderful! San Francisco is a jewel! you will love it. For me one of the most beautiful and welcoming city on earth! LA is another cup of tea with more "excitement" shall we say. The best is to enjoy the sea, the views, Highway One between SF and LA, Big Sur, everything in between these two cities. Try to get to San Diego... But try and go to Northern California and its vineyards... oh what a wonderful place!
I am so so happy for you and Solal!
Lucky you! San Fransisco is wonderful, I fell in love with it instantly, as I stayed there for a few days in 1996! I'm sure the city has changed a lot since then, but try and arrange time to go to the Muir Woods - it's an amazing redwood forest about 20km from SF.
We also went up to the hills (I think they were called Twin Peaks) where you could see the whole city, but don't choose a foggy day for that! We did first, and we couldn't see anything at all... But on a clear day the view is gorgeous!
I think your son would also like to see the Alcatraz prison island. It was very interesting, too - even though it's a big tourist attraction and everybody's going there just because they're SUPPOSED to... :D
Have a great trip and don't forget to tell us everything about it!!
any tips but GENIAL!!!!!!!!!!
suis si contente pour toi, pour vous 2...
SF, si jolie jolie ville
Elle m'a fait penser à Lisbonne.
Oh what a boss!
that sunset is amazing, it looks like a fire in the sky!
i have lots and lots of california tips. will send you an email so this comment doesn't get ridiculously long.
yay, such great news!
Just enjoy!
Any tips for that...just enjoy your trip, the work and all.
wow la super nouvelle!!!
je n'ai fait qu'un bref saut à los angeles - pas restée assez longtemps pour avoir des tips à refiler..
oh et les premières photos ont l'air totalement magique.. cette lumière!!
Only tip: Enjoy. Thanks.
California is almost as far from Florida as it is from France - and I've never been there. But I, too, would try to see the redwoods. Enjoy your trip, and take lots of photos to share with us!
That's a wonderful destination and a great opportunity for you and your son!
Lucky you!! Have a wonderful trip!
Just one recommandation : enjoy !
... en français dans le texte ;)
One more thing (j'avais oublié) if you are in SF in October you MUST go whale watching. It is the most amazing thing in the world and I am certain Solal will love it. It lasts until November. The trip takes most of the day and they take you just where the whales are as they migrate south to Mexico. It is absolutely amazing!
Bisous tout plein!
Tellement heureuse pour vous!
one more thing... forget Alcatraz in SF but do cross the bridge or take a boat to Marine County. Have a nice lunch close to the bay and admire...
And if you can make a trip to the Bay Bridge Park... stunning especially the "trees from the world section" --I use to go jogging there in the morning.
Again lots of kisses!
You must have the best boss in the world....so lucky!
I have to thank you for showing me your Diana photographs, they are fantastic and I enjoyed reading your old blog posts about it too.....are you still crazy about it or has the bug worn off?
Yay! I hope you have a wonderful trip. (My only tip is - bring a good book for the plane ride! I flew to Spain a couple of years ago, and it was a long, long trip. The only thing that kept me entertained was a book - "Blood Red Horse" by KM Grant - and my iPod.)
And these photographs are breathtaking. I especially love the golden colors of the second picture.
My family and I really enjoyed our trip to LA but be prepared to tip generously, sometimes whether you want to or not.
breathtaking, beautiful photos! i especially love the window and the heart :). Have a fantastic time in California! San Francisco is one of my most favorite cities in the world.
What are your LA offices for?
Hey girl, You still want to do corner view? Either way is fine, no worries. Jane and I are updating the list, it has gotten long. Please let me know. Thanks Theresa
those photos are amazing, its seems like a great trip! Have a great time there
that is so amazing! lucky you, and lucky solal, who gets to spent so much time with you. what a boss - you must be a very dear and important employee to them. so, now we can just wait and look forward to your photos of the west coast. how long will you be staying?
It's fine not to do every CV, we are just trying to see who is not into it at all anymore, to make the list more enjoyable to click through. :)
C'est génial ça !! SF est une ville vraiment sympa... le musée d'histoire naturel est top pour les enfants ! quant à LA, les studios cinéma (les enfants avaient adoré aussi)
C'est une belle aventure en perspective à partager avec ton fils ! Magnifique. Bises
superbes lumières . La belle aventure.
lucky you! that sounds so very exciting!=)
c'est extra ... je n'ai pas de bons plans mais j'ai hâte de découvrir ce coin de notre planète à travers tes yeux ...
This is fantastic news, Elisabelle!! You're going to love it I'm sure! I'll try to make a little list of favourites for SF in the coming weeks for you!
so exciting! you're going to love san francisco. we used to live there and miss it still every day. so many wonderful things to do and see. if you have the time, try and go to big sur and anchor bay too. love your blog. am very happy i found it via ingrid's blog.
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