I thought I'd show you anyway the last photos I took with the Canon A-1. I won't use this camera any time again soon, but looking back at these photos, even though my first impression was a huge disappointment, I think these grey blue hues have a certain, involuntary, charm.
We are heading to Marseille tonight: yay!!!!!
A song for the travel :)
contente de te revoir par ici.
j'adore la dernière.
Si je te croise à la gare ça sera le destin !!!! A vite ! Bises
I think it´s fabulous - a very special mood in these pics! :-)
I love the ambiance in these photos, dark, but in a good way. The second one from the bottom looks like something from a dream...
The shadows, perfils, light..little one...a good experiment.
Enjoy your days out, in the south!
eerie! i love the first and second one, those little glimpses of light!
i love the photos! the darkness, the glimpses of light, the hues..
So beautiful ...
I like the very blue mood. Especially the second last photo is beautiful.
I love the contrast of the dark with the beautiful colour of the flower in the last shot! Have a great time in Marseille xx
Quelle poésie dans la dernière avec la fleur! J'adore.
I like the underexposed windows, especially the second from last image.
Love the mood, especially in the second photo from the bottom!
Have a good weekend :)
so the Canon problems rumble on…..
Have a wonderful time in Marseille, you are in for some good weather!! x
"underexposed" you say yet beautiful. The last shot is amazing, so organic! Repose toi et ris bcp à Marseille!
i love the drama in thse shots.
have a great time in marseille!
There is something really atmospheric and mysterious about these.
have a great time!!! absolutely love the last shot! :)
Splendid photos as always.
Somehow they remind me Zurbaran paintings. Especially the last one.
Have a wonderful weekend!
i have to agree, there is magic in them.
oh.. so nice post.)
Love your post.))
Belle ambiance,
J'aime beaucoup la dernière image...
Pour ma part, c'est direction le Nord ce soir !
Belle soirée,
You can just have told me these were exposed as you wanted because they look so great and moody.
They're like movie stills -so full of stories. I especially love the first two!!
But these are so beautiful! Especially the last one, that's my favorite :)
Oh je les aime beaucoup.
De petits rayons de lumière,
qui leur donnent un air mystérieux.
I think they're deliciously dark and moody.
belle ambiance et la dernière fait la lumière sur le reste!!
The atmosphere is fantastic in these pics - like you were taking pictures at 4 in the morning while Paris was sleeping (although I know it was more like 4 in the afternoon...)
Beau jardin d'ombres .
just amazing pics!!!!! love the last one!!!
PLus ça va et plus j'aime ce qu'on n'attendait pas, ce qu'on n'a pas prévu et maîtrisé... Moi, je la trouve bonne cette série.
tellement subtil
tellement troublant ces clairs obscure, ces ombres et ses rideau mouvants...
i especially love the last shot here. i like the use of the word involuntary to describe their charm. i would agree!
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