Vendredi, le jaune me semblait impossible à trouver. Puis au hasard d’un rendez-vous professionnel, j’ai traversé le couloir jaune poussin d’un grand immeuble parisien baigné de lumière. J’ai reçu un petit coup de fil surprise de Sweet Peanut que j’ai retrouvé avec délice dans un café au comptoir jaune. J’ai rejoint mes hommes pour fêter Rosh Hashana. David avait acheté de grands tournesols pour sa soeur et j’ai pour la première fois chaussé mes souliers jaunes achetés cet été à Jaffa.
Vendredi était jaune!
Shana Tova! Bonne année!
Our new blog is on line: Colors of the week. One color a day for our new diptychs: Marie* on the left and me on the right I am so happy to have started this new project with la fée*: a new breath! To look for the right picture each day and to discover Marie’s have brightened up a pretty sad week.
Friday, yellow seemed impossible to find. And then…. I had an appointment in the afternoon and by chance, I crossed a luminous yellow corridor. Next, I received a surprise phone call from Sweet Peanut and joined her for a delicious moment in a café with a yellow bar. David bought sunflowers for his sister who was hosting Rosh Hashana seder this year. And I put on for the first time the lovely yellow shoes I bought this summer in Jaffa.
Friday was Yellow!
Shana Tova! Happy New Year!
beautiful yellow! there's yellow in the air, i think ;)
i hope you had a wonderful rosh hashanah seder. we're having rain up here these days, which i actually enjoy. it has cleared the air and smells good.
shanah tova to you - and i am so happy to see you're back with your blog. such a wonderful idea with color themes.
Joli triptyque... gai, gai, gai...
je vais essayer d'emporter un peu de cette gaité aujourd'hui avec moi...
Baisers Elisabelle *
Tu as le don pour faire éclore des sourires . Et rendre le jaune singulier.
We'll follow the yellow brick road then!
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