Sunday, March 28, 2010

It's all so quiet....

We had a peaceful week-end, it made me want to listen to this oldy. How was yours?


kristina - no penny for them said...

are these photos from your weekend? then it must have been a very beautiful one indeed!

very moody-happy-sad self-portrait. i like.

my weekend was --- oh, i just blogged about it... ;)

hiki said...

This is the first set of photos I saw this morning - a rainy freezing groomy Monday morning, it's hard to face it especially after having a nice relaxed weekend! But these really cheered me up so thank you! Truly gorgeous!!

Noxalio said...

and beautiful,

all of them.


melski said...

lovely :)

Kenza said...

Magnifique! Et tu es très émouvante dans la photo. Tes boucles d'oreille te vont très bien! Un week end également calme ici, avec petit caramel qui a prit ses vrais premiers pas! Grosses bises.

et lille oejeblik - a little moment said...

beautiful! love the self portrait - you're doing some really amazing ones.

weekend not so relaxing. husband has been working pretty much 24/7 to finish project before pesach, so i have entertained all the little ones myself.

Anonymous said...

alors, là, je dois dire que le métro parisien, vu comme ça... me rend très nostalgique !!! Quel talent... Bonne semaine à toi aussi. Bises

Isabelle said...

ton titre est si bien choisi ... et la musique aussi !!

Marion said...

il est beau cet autoportait... Très. Je rêve d'un week end tranquille, je cours, cours, cours, c'est usant...

Francesca said...

Glad you had a peaceful weekend. You included a very interesting last shot.

Stéphanie said...

On croirait ces bourgeons sortis d'un hiver tout cotonneux...
Doux et émouvant week-end pour nous : le dernier !

Anonymous said...

these photos are magical. very much reflect the mood of my weekend :)

xo Alison

Christine said...

Il est beau cet autoportrait

Ann Marie said...

these photos are beautiful!

Kenza said...

oh! j'avais oublié -- j'espère que tu auras un "bon" (je sais ce n'est pas très approprié comme mot -pardon) pessah avec ta famille ce soir. Je penserais à toi.

Janis said...

The blue backgrounds are so wonderful - the mood of these so peaceful...

Thank you for your good wishes ... and many back to you dear Elisabelle. xo

happy week...

Denise | Chez Danisse said...

What a lovely set of images. Very quiet and contemplative.

Lollipop said...

elisabelle, ton cliché du métro est juste.. dingue!
bien reçu ton mail, j'attends ton feu vert pour l'envoi.

Tim said...

Liking the last two photos here.

mru-K ♥ said...

beautiful little yellow flowers on first photo (:

Angie Muresan said...

The photo of you was my favorite. It seems right out of a poem of Federico Garcia Lorca.

Bichos da Matos said...

I see a gorgeous lady there! Love the earrings;)

Novi On The Go said...

Weekend + music = :))) We got lots done this weekend so it was great. Love the soft colors in the photos, nice lighting in your self portrait.

kat evans said...

These images are all so
soft and serene. You are
beautiful which is no
wonder why your photos
are as well.

sofaMenthol said...

l'entrelacement printanier & le chrome métropolitain... Quelle jolie fusion...

Ida/FarEastLogbook said...

Oh so quiet and delicate!! They're gorgeous, Elisabelle!!

gracia said...

Seeking a quiet refuge... yes please.

marie said...

J'adore les écouter ! Ca me rappelle mon enfance et les voyages en voiture Ma mère était fan.

marie said...

J'adore les écouter ! Ca me rappelle mon enfance et les voyages en voiture Ma mère était fan.

Kerri said...

Oh that first picture is breaking my heart!