So I got my second roll of Diana Mini back.... And I have to say that I am a bit disappointed.
I loved so much the double exposures on the first one, that I used them far too much.The consequence is that a bunch of photos are overexposed.
I agree with Dalva, the lack of control on this camera can be frustrating. But still... I like the feeling of not knowing exactly how it is going to turn out.
The roll got stuck and I had to rewind it a bit to start over again a few times, and these photos, accidental diptychs, are my favorites (first and last ones of this set).
Talking about favorites... The post of Hannah made me smile today. Your favorites are not always mine.
As I confessed to Marion, sometimes the photo that gets a lot of kudos is the one that I hesitated to post.
What does it say about me? Probably that I have no hindsight on my images.
One thing is sure though: blogging, sharing my photos, seeing yours make me wonder, think and evolve constantly. Thank you so much for your comments and feedback and for the inspiration I get from your blogs.
Moi j'adore !
Moi je les aime bien. Certaines ont le "truc mystérieux" dont je te parlais la dernière fois...
J'ai toujours pas fini la péloche, je vais le faire pronto !!!
Zou !
elles sont très belles J'aime la texture et le flou!!!
I am in agreement. I love the creative saturation I'm getting daily by looking at photos and reading posts. It keeps my mind and eye fresh. Keep doing what you're doing Elisabelle. :)
i love the surprises film cameras give me. it's like unwrapping a gift when i pick up my rolls of film! these are great! love the accidental diptychs!
I always see perfection here... I seriously think you could publish a photography book featuring different themes. I really see it Elisabelle... xo
Elisabelle, overexposure or not, you shoot amazing photos.
Love how the pics cover eachother!! So beautiful!
it's the little "mistakes" that make shooting film so fun :) these are dreamy and gorgeous. i can't wait to shoot with my dianaF+ this weekend
i agree with janis!
interesting and beautiful!!
these are great! i love all the building shots and i love the lilacs. these photos are like stills from a movie that make me really really miss paris.
What a beautiful blog you have; thank you for sharing!
If you’d like, please stop by my blog for a chance to win an original giclee art print...by me :)
moi aussi j'adore!
Gros bisous!
That last photo is amazing. What a fun "mistake"!
It's always interesting to see the reactions of other people, and sometimes they come as a real surprise. So many other perspectives that transcend our own subjectivity ... that's why I love blogging:)!
PS what does a diana mini look like?
Thank you! your photo's and the atmosphere is really beautiful.
I really enjoy the unexpected and I love that you embrace that in your photographs. Wonderful indeed.
I kind of like the photos! They have this dreamy like quality to them.
i cant get enough of the last one. im seriously considering getting a diana now.
lovely photos, especially like the double exposure shots.
En tous les cas, le résultat est intéressant ! Il faut essayer, recommencer, éprouver ses idées... et un jour, une superbe image qu'on n'est pas prêt d'oublier en sort !
merci pour les liens aussi !
these are wonderful, elisabelle!
p.s.: i do know what you mean - i quite often feel that i judge my own pictures quite differently to others. so perplexing at times.
Oh, the last one is my favourite!!
I tend to miss judge my photos too, I'll upload a bunch to flickr, chose only some of them to my blog and then get the most comments/favourites (on flickr) on the ones that I didn't show on my blog (?) :-)
you need to keep going with this dianna, for sure.
we might be visiting paris end of july or early august - it would be so interesting and fun for us to meet you!... we will keep you posted!
i have to agree with you too about the benefit of seeing what others are doing and how it pushes you forward. i'm new to your blog, but i like what i'm seeing so far!
What excellent photographs.
Rapide tour d'horizon de ton blog, magnifiques photos... bravo !
Question: quel appareil as-tu (pour le numérique ?). je suis en cours de réflexion pour en acheter un, un vrai !-)
et j'hesiiiiiiiiiiite !
Les lilas... Pardon, mais je les garde un petit moment pour mon fond d'écran...
I think these pictures are wonderful, the first and second are my favorite.
Thank you so much for sharing your photos too! You are a great inspiration Elisabelle.
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