We had a few cloudy days, I really enjoyed them anyway.
I spent such a sweet Friday night yesterday. We have been chatting, giggling, drinking and listening to music with Audrey until 4:00 AM on my sofa like teenagers (except for the drinking perhaps ;)). It felt so good...
You guys have been wondering on this post about Audrey's tatoo. It says "l'essenziale è invisibile agli occhi", meaning "What is essential is invisible to the eyes"
I like your cloudy days. And I like the meaning of that tattoo...
great mood :)
These photos make me excited for cooler weather - scarves, socks, and sweaters! Beautiful...
Tes photos... un rêve immense...
Très belles images... ce n'est pas loin de ce que nous avons vu cet été !!
C'est un beau voyage à faire avec ton fils, je te le confirme.
Bon dimanche ; )
beautiful skies ♥
If only the UK had such lovely clouds! we only get silly grey ones which bring the rain :(
oh c'est si beau!
Quietly and beautifully haunting...
Dramatic views, a beautiful group of photos.
beautiful photos, I like cloudy days too.
Love the quote!
mais,... comme j'aimerais devenir ton amie...
oh your friday nights sounds great..i love such nights :) just having a great time...the cloudy images are so beautiful too..I love the one with the dandelion
J'aime bcp Solal avec sa capuche. Tu t'en fous mais j'adorais les vestes à capuche quand j'étais gamine...
La 1ere donne des frissons...
i don't know how you do it, but your photos are once again magnificent!
(sounds like a perfect friday night by the way)
j'aime beaucoup la 1ère image
terriblement sombre et à la fois magique
Un vrai voyage cette nuit de Vendredi*** Merci encore*
sublimes, ces images....
i say. these are the best looking clouds i have ever seen.
I love the dandelion photo. So peaceful.
these are so intense !
mega pretty
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