Marion made me realize that I did not give you our exact location. We were in the French Alps, in a little village called Vallouise. It is in le massif des Ecrins. My parents own an apartment there.
When I was a kid, I hated to spend my summer vacations in the mountains, hiking everyday. I was whining most of the time.
This place started to be fun when as a student, I was going on ski weekends with my friends (just 3 hours drive from Marseille).
Now, I just love to spend time there. It is the perfect place to recharge my batteries. I really breath differently and relax surrounded by my mountains.
Merci de nous ammener avec nous, je suis pas très montagne mais là je suis conquise:)
Bon weekend et fait nous des photos d'étrangers;)
T'es en train de me dire qu'à 3 h de Marseille je peux avoir tout pareil moi aussi ? +
Ben tu sais quoi ? Moi, j'ai une petite maison dans les Alpes, on y mange du yaourt bio, on fait le jardin et on est coupés du monde. Ah ! Ouais, je sais, je suis nulle, j'y vais jamais...
More loveliness. And Solal is getting so tall! They grow up so fast...
I have been enjoying your series of pictures and especially touched by your pictures of you and your son.
elles me font rêver ces photos..
et me donnent envie de filer dans la verdure et me perdre dans la foret!
Nice to take a breath in the Mountains. These are spectacular!
Love the hair pattern in the back of your sons neck - beautiful...
It's interesting how things we hated as children tend to be the opposite when you're grown up: I used to whine when my parents took me cross country skiing. Not I drag my kids along in the same way...
I want a torrent, and try out your long exposure trick!
These pictures of your trip truly are gorgeous. I love the nature; the plants and the trees are similar to ours here in Finland, but we lack the amazing mountains... I hope some day I can walk those paths myself! :)
"my mountains"... make me think about la melodie du bonheur... elle parle tjs de "her mountains" :o)
Solal speaks good of the mountains and the hiking with his grandpa... I think it must be an amazing place...
Ah! Les Ecrins! Ca fair super longtemps qu'on n'y est pas allés! C'est vrai que c'est vraiment beau par là-bas...
All these photos from the alps are so beautiful! I must go!
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