Friday, January 14, 2011

Simple things

Tomorrow is Saturday!!!
I am so looking forward to a lazy morning and a simple, tasty brunch (like this one above).
I wish you all a great, lazy, cozy, happy weekend!!!


kristina - no penny for them said...

wishing the same to you, isabelle!

i can't even begin to tell how much i'm looking forward to the weekend...

christine said...

je voudrais avoir un livre avec tes photos de simple things... Bon week-end.

Shirley said...

hello i'm new to your blog but totally enjoying your beautiful photos! have a great weekend =)

Tana said...

Wish you the same great weekend!

mirabellef said...

Bon appétit ;-)

(hehe je suis en train de manger.... oui devant l'ordi.... c'est pas bien ...)

fen and ned said...

I've been looking forward to the very same thing since Monday morning!

Unknown said...

I just discovered your blog and your photos are stunning. Paris looks amazing even in this grey light, or is it you who creats that?
Wishing you a very pleasant and relaxing weekend! Barbara

Celine said...

TGIF! i can't wait for the weekend either!

Anonymous said...

happy weekend to you, too :)

Elisabeth said...

Une assiette très belle. J'aimerais bien un petit déjeuner comme ce-là!

Christina said...

Today is saturday !!
Tiens, je ne pense jamais à me préparer un petit déj' "différent" le week-end, oeuf coque, par exemple. Demain ?

between 7 and 9 said...

Beautiful picture making me hungry too!

Marion said...

Oh, trop bien. Tu m'en fais un ?

nathalie et cetera said...

aujourd,hui c'est samedi et je lis ton blog. merci pour les bons souhaits. je t'en souhaite autant !

Mano said...

Une jolie découverte...
Big Bisous.

Dorte said...

hope your brunch was as good as the on the photo :)

Marinka said...

I love simple things too, your brunch seems really good

Kaylovesvintage said...

wonderful,enjoy your weekend

Brad Fallon said...

Just relax and enjoy your lazy weekend...:)

Kenza said...

J'espère que tu as eu un doux week end! Gros bisous!

Pierre Prospero said...

quel succès !

kristina said...

hope you've had a lovely weekend!

jeanine said...

the blue of the plate, the rustic table, the yellow yolk. perfect, perfect, perfect. love it.

Christy said...

you've got the eye for beauty.

Jasmine Mirra said...

I think about saturday mornings every day of the week! I completely unerstand you!
...and this plate is so nice!