Tuesday, January 11, 2011

There are a lot a fabulous places and apartments in Paris.
We went to a birthday in one of them.

It has been a while since I shared music. My Ipod is often on Shuffle mode, this song made me smile and gave me energy yesterday!


Ida/FarEastLogbook said...

Wow, I love the roof/ceiling. It must make amazing sounds when it really rains :-)

Lollipop said...

Oh ça a l'air top cet endroit.
Mais je suis sûre que tes photos le rendent encore + beau.

T C said...

Will we see the rest of the decor? :) because this little part on the picturesthat you`ve shown is really nice!
and the song est vraiment jolie!)

Unknown said...

Enjoy this morning...
Waves always have something magical....

mirabellef said...

encore de fabuleuses photos de fabuleux endroits !

Elisabeth said...

Those two balloons remind me of shy lovers. Wonderful.

Anonymous said...

I always love balloon photos.

Happy new year, Elisabelle. I wish you all the happiness you deserve!

kitchu said...

i am always so happy to see you have new posts up as you never disappoint.

i am sad though that i can't listen to the song, as it's not available in my country!

blue china studio happy said...

Yes, that does look rather fabulous. Love those shiny black pendant lights. Great photos.

;) said...

Un couple de ballons amoureux...

Vrai qu'il y a de nombreux lieux fabuleux - et secrets - à Paris !

l i s e said...

pour sûr et j'aime beaucoup les deux ballons!

Anonymous said...

Lovely pictures :) I liked the song you've shared!

Kenza said...

Un ballon jaune! Gros bisous!

Anne said...

Love that ceiling and those lamps... a fabulous place indeed!

Anonymous said...

lovely roof :)

Magdalena said...

This music made me happy!

la ninja said...

that's a private apartment? wowza mamma ;)

(that song's well funky, indeed.)

fen and ned said...

The song made me smile too and I don't even understand most of the words! Maybe I was just smiling at the double bass player ;D

Paula said...

I delight in Elizabeth's 'lovers' comment - discretely tucked away :)

alexandria said...

Balloons are the best. I love visiting here.

et lille oejeblik - a little moment said...

looks amazing! the roof and the lamps.

eleanor said...

aw, little balloons nuzzling. this is great.