Kodak Ektar 100
I did not take that many photos in Marseille, I enjoyed so much spending time with family and friends.
I just loaded my Zenit E with a first roll. But I am having trouble understanding this camera. I have downloaded manuals on internet but my lens (Industar 50-3.5) is different from the one on the manual, I am not sure I get how to set up the aperture, and I have doubts about about the exposure and the speed too. Well, let's say that's a test roll.
Ils sont beaux, ces garçons !
je veux aller à Marseille !!!
Love the test. I feel a sense of warm sun, dapple, leisure...summer :^)
Such wonderful summer photos.
These are so excellent! The use of light is really well done and I love the green colours innertwined.
J'adore tes photos justement parce qu'elles ne sont pas centrées. C'est comme les peintures japonaises où l'espace a sa place, où la chose existe à cause de ce qu'il y a autour et non pas simplement pour elle-même. Magnifique!
les lumières et couleurs sont fabuleuses!
Only one burning question: who's that boy???? ;)
well, it may have been a test roll, but your photos still made me sigh with delight...
Wouah... les photos, tes amis !-))
(on reconnaît les celib dans les comments !-))
Très belle ambiance...
cette série est juste merveilleuse !
I have a Zenit B, it's constructed in the same way as the E, but without exposure meter. I love this cam, i even got it tattooed.
Just have a try, it's really easy to use and the results are amazing! Have fun, the industar lens is great!
You can make the sunlight through leaves so beautiful
une très belle série!
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