When the first Zenit died, there was a roll in. I took it out and put it in the new Zenit.
These are the surprising double exposures of the Zenits.
Have you recognized who is on the first and last shot?
I did not forget about the giveaway: we will draw winners next sunday:)
...love suprices like that...ones my pentax died in bolivia...i then took the same film by mistake and reused it in other place in Chile...and that was supriseng to see bolivian children walking side by side with my friend on streets of valparaiso... have a lovely evening!
Oh une Marion Fantômatique ! Elles sont jolies ces photos !
La 3ème. Moi et ta fenêtre. Et tu sais que je l'aime ta fenêtre. <3
Non mais c'est ta fenêtre ? Non ? C'est pas celle du salon en tout cas... Rha je sais plus !
...love suprices like that...ones my pentax died in bolivia...i then took the same film by mistake and reused it in other place in Chile...and that was supriseng to see bolivian children walking side by side with my friend on streets of valparaiso...
have a lovely evening!
much love
On reconnais Marion.
Les superpositions et autres ratés restent les photos qui me touchent le plus je pense.
oh so pretty! I just love the colors and the photos merged.
j'aime beaucoup ces surimpressions magiques et fantomatiques . Poétique et insaisissable.
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