Wednesday, January 30, 2013


It’s been a pretty busy beginning of the year, both personally and professionally; and it’s going to last for a while.
I am trying to find calm in any way possible, but I did not have much time to take any photos. The rare ones I shot, on the even more rare bright days, are snaps of my apartment.
It’s crazy how many photos I took of this place over the years...


Marion said...

Des bisous ma jolie. Beaucoup.

Unknown said...

I hope that you find your calm space. Photography will find it's time for you again when you are ready x

Denise | Chez Danisse said...

I make so many photographs at home. Uta Barth makes me feel better about it.

alexandria said...

I enjoy that many of your photos are of one of the most beloved places: home. There is always heart in that.

Le monde dÖ said...

De fait, c'est en quelque sorte ta vie intérieure que tu traques... pour ce qui me concerne, c'est un vrai plaisir.

Unknown said...

It is easy to take photos in the moments we "rest" and we rest at home. We sit around the table, while the rest of the world is moving and then...feel...and catch that moment...
Home is different every day, every light, every tomatoe or coffee doesn´t matter how many....

Vergangenheitshang said...

Pictures of little pieces and scenes around appartments are one of my favorites. :)