This will be my last LA post until my next trip (hopefully in a few months).
When we were in LA, we played a few times with the book of questions. It raises moral, fun, surprising, life issues. The whole point is to be completely honest of course. You can learn a lot about people by their answers.
I was really inspired by this post of Famapa. I found it really bold to make a "ask me anything" post. It made me want to try the same experience.
Do you have any questions you would like to ask me? Is there anything you would like to know? Go ahead:)
On the top of my head:
I've been wondering about your Tel Aviv blog. Did you live there once?
Will you be moving to LA for work, or are you just going there for shorter business trips? ( I thought you where gonna stay there for some months on your recent trip)
Oh, and what exactly is your job?
You're a brave girl :-)
Wow, it's really brave to let even complete strangers ask you about anything! Well, I have a question (of course...)
Is there a specific moment in your life that you really appreciate, or that you really wish never happened? If yes, what is it? :)
(This is such a great idea, I wonder if I have the guts to do the same one day!)
I wonder how it's like to raise a child in a big city like Paris?
how are you? xxx C.
Il y a quelque temps, dans le magazine Lire, la question de "pourquoi lisons nous" était posée... Mise à notre échelle de bloggeur, elle donne, pourquoi écrivons nous, bloggons nous, faisons nous des photos...
Autant de bloggeurs, autant de réponses ??
Et toujours de belles images.
As-tu parfois le vertige en pensant au chemin qu'il te faut choisir ?
oh! C'est si aimable de ta part de t'ouvrir ainsi... De la générosité pure. Merci. Pour ma part je demanderais simplement - how are you?
Many kisses to all of you... Thinking of you very often and so happy to have met you in person! Seems like ages ago doesn't it?!
oh this is exciting.
i've always wondered, if you've always lived in Paris. Did you grow up there? or did you move to Paris later on in life? Where were you before Paris then? Is French your native language?
I'd like to know "how are you?"
What are your first words/smells/sounds that come to you mind when you think about seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter?
Merci pour le voyage en Californie et au Nevada! Superbe!
Bonne chance avec ces questions. Pas toutes faciles. Je t'en épargne une :)
Hi Elizabelle, what a great idea and very bold indeed. I'd would love to know what started you on blogger and what and who inspires you as a photographer. Also if I am allowed one more question- what's a perfect day for you? :)
What makes you dream ?
Question un peu délicate t'es pas obligée de répondre... Ton blog préféré en ce moment ?
I have been enjoying photos of your trip very much. Thank you!!
This is an interesting idea, you are very brave Elisabelle. Some questions for you: Do you collect artwork or paintings? if so, what are they? What languages do you speak and which countries have you lived in? :)
J'aimerais juste connaître quelques questions de ce livre... :)
(pas les réponses ;-)
Hello Elisabelle - my questions are the same as May's. Curious if you were born and raised in Paris.
So SF was a rainy mess? Very unusual weather for Oct. Wish it could have been a better visit for you and Solal... xo
oh, very brave of you!
if you had to name two things you like about digital and two things you like about film photography, what would they be?
and: what is your favourite comfort food at the moment?
have a wonderful sunday!
what to you want for your birthday?
that's the question I wanna pop out... but I probably should've asked this before... right?
good lick with all the answers...
looking forward!
I'm looking back at all your Los Angeles photographs, you really had a wonderful trip and I'm glad the weather was perfect!
Euh, when is your birthday ???
Happy B Day miss...
ok, nice:) I would like to know when it's best to visit paris, during the summer i guess?
+ what camera lens can you recommend? I know you've been writing about your camera lenses here before but it doesn't harm to ask you again:) I'm going to buy a new lens soon.
ps. I wrote down the beetroot recipe in the comment field on my blog!
I have nothing to ask. Your photos and the few and lovely words discover the universe of you and your family.
It could be the secret of your light?
Or maybe where do you find the strengh to go ahead...but that is something one have inside...just offer a hand to hold if you need.
Do you photoshop (a little, a lot ???) ?
J'ai droit à une séance de rattrapage ?
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