The lovely Janis sent me all these amazing pieces. I felt like a little girl: so happy and exited... I am spoiled!
Thank you so much!!!

A few weeks ago, when I was going through a rough time, Christine offered to send me one of my favorite diptychs of hers. And I received these gorgeous photos!
Y a pas de doute, elle est vraiment, vraiment, vraiment chou!

Did I mention how much I love our blog world???
ooooooh obrigada sweet Elisabelle! Les cartes de Janis sont très belles..... Tu es vraiment trop trop chou :). Beijinhos. tu es vraiment trop indulgente avec ces photos mais je suis ravie qu'elles te plaisent. J'espère que le voyage de David se passe bien. Bon week-end...... Merci petit chou :).
Oh, quelle chance tu as! Magnifiques cadeaux, de deux de mes "blogueuses" preferées en plus;) Joyeux week end!
ohh you are so lucky!! those are beautiful! enjoy them!
oh lucky you! so lovely! getting mail is always so great:)
je trouve ça chouette de voir les photos chez toi, merci!
Lucky you!
Tu mérites tout cela et plus! gros bisous!
You did ;) but say it again, what a wonderful present!!!
Gift giving is alive and well in the blogoshpere, not only virtual gifts it seems but real ones as well. No wonder you're happy here. Such lovely gifts, Elisabelle. They must help you through the hard times.
:^) !!!
Des cadeaux magnifiques !
hihi, en plus ce soir je cuisine des spinachs and cheese bricks :)
Beautiful presents, all of them. I'm totally in love with the cut out paper of the hands joining.
what a lucky woman you are!
These gifts are so lovely!! You are very lucky!
Beautiful photographs! I especially like the floral diptych.
de bien jolis cadeaux ... du coup le moral vient mieux ??
je voulais dire "va" mieux bien sur !!
love the colours in the second picture from above! and i really really love the paper hands!!!
They are all gorgeous! I love the blog world too. It's a beautiful community.
Those paper hands are precious.
The blog world = love.
wow ! quel joli présent !
I so much agree, the blog world makes the world bigger and closer by.
Great gift!
Janis does beautiful drawings!
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