I love
this blog, and even more since
Marion posted her
Berlin days there!
So I decided to make a little break from the Alps images and show you an sneak peek from my weekend.

On Saturday, we had a "tête à tête" lunch rue du Temple.

Then attended to a basket ball match in front of the Hôtel de ville: great and kind of surreal! Solal was so into it: cute :)

After a lot of errands (he is growing up so quickly), we treated ourselves with gelati:)

On Sunday, we spent a lovely time in the Tuileries, I took photos of a lot of strangers (reminded me of
Ida's challenge)

And then we had a sweet moment with
the beautiful family. I received a very special home made present from my friend: I'll show you later... It is now my favorite piece of jewelery: so special, unique, made for me, just wonderful!

It was a nice weekend!
Oh, just keep photographing strangers! Great photos, love that red purse and the basketball game:) Your photos are so strong!
Paris women (and French women in general) are always so elegant! Us Nordic women feel like elephants in comparaison. It's still summer in Paris I can see, looks wonderful.
I love your weekend!
lovely photos!
Elles sont incroyables, tes images !
Elles me donnent envie de revenir à Paris, c'est dire...
Ton fils a tellement grandi ! C'est un petit homme, plus un petit d'homme.
Mais je suis heureuse de vous voir tous les deux ainsi.
looks like a fun weekend!
i found your CUTE blog today... i'm loving it! you got a new follower ;)
Oui Solal grandit vite! Quel beau jeune homme!
Belles photos. Merci pour cette gentille ballade.
Bisous bisous!
j'adore la photo des basketteurs, physique et esthétique!
et celle des gens de dos aussi, très belle série!
le week end me manque...
in love with paris, mais la brume du billet précédent m'a envoûtée!! tes images sont très belles...
merci pour ton petit mot chez moi
I like your stranger photos; keep on shooting :-)
Looks like a pretty perfect weekend!
what a great time you had! sounds like my kind of weekend... and you know what: it seems so warm still in paris! it's freeeeezing here. ok, 16°C, which is just too cold. :)
Très belles images de complicité entre une maman et son p'tit garçon. J'aime particulièrement ces deux photos.
ça devait être chouette ce moment.... Bises
oh t'es chou. j'aime bcp la dernière. Si je pouvais m'y téléporter là maintenant, j'adorerai.
Great shots this weekend~
what a great weekend, you had!!!!!
and only to think I was exactly there these days, we might have even seen each other...
as always lovely pictures.
He REALLY is growing up fast...
and you can't imagine how happy it makes me feel to think I'm a tiny part of it... :o)
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