After dropping Solal at the station today, I was sad. Most my friend are happy to have a few days off without kid(s). I don't know that feeling. I always miss him terribly.
Well... to make a long story short, I was vulnerable. I went into a shop, let a guy put make up on me and convinced me that purple was my color and that I should put green on my circles to make them disappear. He told me that the red on my lips was good but that I should try a wonderful and brighter one called moulin rouge.
I went out of the place with far too much make up on me and having bought everything!
And you know what? I did not even feel bad... It made me think about something else (yes I know 5 days are nothing... well at 2:30 pm, it seemed almost unbearable to me)
I went back home, fixed a quick cake (à la fleur d'oranger) and waited for my friend who needed some new shots for a portfolio. After taking advantage of the 10 last minutes of good light, we had tea and chit chat.
Again my mind was somewhere else...
Still, I can't wait to see him on Friday!
Aww, I understand you! Love these portrait shots, so your mind must have been in there somehow. :-)
I understand completely! My son has just come home for the holidays, I had not seen him for 6 weeks and my heart nearly burst with joy at the station…….and I am still having trouble getting used to having my 14 and 17 year old girls in lycée all week too. It feels sometimes as if my arm has been cut off. I try to immerse myself in work to ease the ache. You and Solal have such a lovely and special bond.
And by the way, these portraits are so lovely, your friend is stunning and very beautiful. Her hair looks amazing, it is seriously making me feel like giving up my hair dye!
i understand perfectly... and this is a lovely story... are these portraits of you? so beautiful...
j'espere que la semaine passera vite pour toi!
bravo pour les portraits!
You do know I'm not his mother, even if sometimes I would like like it... lol
I can't even begin to imagine how you feel... Sometimes I wake up and can barely tolerate how bad I miss him...
once again... I can't even begin to imagine...
can't wait for September to come...
I understand the missing, it can be heart breaking at times. The portraits are beautiful. Her eyes really shine out warmth and care. I bet she is a very warm hearted and loving friend.
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